About Clark Tours


Randy Clark established Clark Tours in 1989 after spending four years with a bus company in the Chattanooga, Tennessee area. During those four years of arranging all types of bus service and tour services with all types of groups, he learned that he was most comfortable with the senior adult market and decided to form Clark Tours to concentrate on and serve that market.

Over the 35 plus years that have followed that decision, we have arranged and conducted tours throughout all of the United States, Canada, Mexico, the southern Caribbean islands and much of Europe.

The goal of Clark Tours is to make your trip as enjoyable and convenient for you as possible and we work very hard to achieve that goal.

Today we have an email list of more than 2,000 clients who have traveled with us and continue to do so.

Being a small independent company, Clark Tours usually operates 20 tours or fewer per year. By running fewer tours, we can assure our travelers that they will receive the personal care and emphasis on detail that are so often lacking with the larger operators.

We like to say that we are big enough to offer you the best value for your tour dollar and small enough to want to.

The Best In Travel